jan 06, 2019
how neem cells produce how useful chemicals paste.I grew up in a country other than my own. I know how painful it is when you grow up as an immigrant. I know every nook and cranny of an immigrant’s life. I know how these immigrants have been suffered from many problems specifically, mental diseases. That is why I decided to study psychology. After finishing my studies, I came to Afghanistan. I observed a high number of people who suffered from many problems during the civil war. Women and children have suffered the most. Following that, I started working within the framework of the Behrawan Research and Psychological Services Organization to help these people in Afghanistan.
As an executive director of Behrawan Research and Psychological Services Organization, I do my best to be the counselor of people who is looking for having a better life in the future. I want to help families who have disputes and help them raise their children healthier. Providing psychological counseling to the ministry of education and higher education in creating better systems for training and educating the students is another mission that I am working on as well.
Zeinab Musavi (MSc in Clinical Psychology)
jan 06, 2019
how neem cells produce how useful chemicals paste.jan 06, 2019
how neem cells produce how useful chemicals paste.jan 06, 2019
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incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquaConsectetur adipiscing eliti sed do eiusmod tempor . Quis ips suspendisse.
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